Author: debbiesanchezblog

Some of My Stuff

Here are some photos I have taken, as well as an image I created using Illustrator and Photoshop. I took all of these photos with a DSLR camera last semester, and many of which were assignments for my Photo class – which was so much more fun and interesting than I thought it’d be. I chose these images because I really liked the way I edited them, and I think that they look pretty artistic for someone who just started taking photos. If you really want to see more of the pictures that I have taken and edited, you can find a lot more under the “My Photos” tab on this website!

My 3 Favorite Assignments and an Assignment I Could’ve Lived Without

I think I want to start this off by saying thank you to Professor diBenedetto, because I honestly did not think I would have liked photography as much as I do now without your guidance. Although there were some times in class where I honestly wanted to walk out and give up, I knew – really really deep down – that you were going to make me a better artist. So thank you Professor diBenedetto, for giving me a new passion to pursue recreationally and for forcing me to push myself and to believe in myself.

Most Favorite Assignment: MOPA Visit (

I really liked that you forced us to go to MOPA – because if you didn’t I would have never gone in this place before!  I really connected to Flor Garduno’s exhibition, and I had no idea this woman even existed before going to this museum. As well as that, the other art work that was being featured was just as magnificent and some photos had me at a loss for words. Although the drive wasn’t that great, especially because I pay for my own gas, I appreciate that you made us look at professional artwork and try to understand the deeper meaning that can be conveyed through photos.

Second Favorite Assignment: Panoramas (

As I mentioned before, I never thought I would enjoy photography as much as I do! So when I learned how to do panoramas, I was hesitant at first. The process seemed really difficult and long, and, honestly, I was starting to get discouraged with my lack of skills. However, I really enjoyed this! I loved getting to choose the image to make into a panorama, and the process wasn’t even as bad as I first thought it to be! I know for my birthday I want to get a DSLR camera, for recreational use (especially on my trip to Australia), so I am really grateful for learning how to make panoramas because I will definitely want to make them again in the future!

Third Favorite Assignment: Discovery Lake Photoshoot (

Getting the chance during class time to just go venture out into a space and take pictures in whatever creative way you wanted was awesome! I really enjoyed that I got the chance to take photos how I wanted and of what I wanted. This space was beautiful and the lighting that day was perfect for taking photos. I also liked the editing features we learned in class that day, as they added a unique touch to my photos. I wish that we did more photoshoots like this, especially because they were during class period and I already have that time allocated for this class!

The Assignment I Really Could’ve Lived Without: Photoshoot Project (

Although I liked how my pictures came out, and I appreciated the overall experience, I really did not like this assignment. I understand that we were given an entire month to complete this project, but as a full time student who is involved on campus and works part time, when did you think I would have had time to do this? I mean, when you were in college, didn’t you have all that plus a kid? I feel like then you would have understood more than any professor what it’s like in our shoes. I pay for my tuition and my car, and the fact that this assignment needed a good chunk of my time really got to me. Maybe this is all just because it just happened to have been during a really stressful time in my life and it was a totally do-able project and I was just going crazy, but this project really made me go crazy and stress me out. I really didn’t like the fact that I had to talk to strangers and get them to allow me to take their photo – it was all just really awkward. I get the whole purpose of the project, I just didn’t think it did much for me as a photographer expect practice.

Overall, I really did enjoy this class. It was long, right before my weekend, and it had its moments, but I did like the class and learned a lot from it. I am glad Professor diBenedetto was the way she was, because in the end, I gained a lot from this class!

Thanks for everything Professor diBenedetto!!!



I decided that for these photos I would take pictures around my neighborhood. I took pictures of part of my backyard for the horizontal panorama, my neighbor’s palm tree for the vertical panorama, and a picture of the street our house is on for the circular panorama. I was hesitant with this assignment at first, because we went through the steps of how to make the panoramas fairly quickly. However, when it came time to actually take the photos and then put them together in Lightroom and Photoshop to make the panoramas, I was relieved and surprised as to how easy it actually was! Realistically, the most difficult part was finding the right edit to the photos that I liked, whereas putting the panorama together was extremely easy  a couple clicks of the mouse and the panoramas came together! I am really excited I learned how to do this, because I can definitely see myself using this in the future!

Moonlight Beach Photoshoot

Dear Moonlight Beach-goers Who Let me Take Pictures of them,

First all, thank you! Your participation in my project is very much appreciated! I have attached ALL the pictures I took from that day on this blog post, so I hope you like them! The blog post before this one (titled “Photoshoot Project”) contains the 40 pictures I selected and edited specifically for the class project I was telling you all about!

I really hope you like the pictures – all 189 of them!!! And like I mentioned in the email, if there are any photos that you want edited, please let me know! I can make them brighter, darker, I can crop background people, etc! Let me know if you have any questions (

Thanks Again!!

Debbie Sanchez

Photoshoot Project

Here are the photos I took for my photoshoot project! They have been edited and I think they came out really well! I love that instead of incorporating some type of background, that I used the beach as my background and that I used a frame! I think that this was more fun for everyone, as it kind of acted as a prop! Also, the pictures came out looking really cute, fun, and versatile! I think that the frame kind of game a creative story to each of the pictures by not only showcasing the personalities of each person in the photos, but also by adding a sense of versatility to them! I really enjoyed interacting with everyone!

Photobook Proposal

Photobook Proposal

Each and every day people take things for granted, and I can definitely attest to that. I think that one of the biggest things that we take for granted on a daily basis is each other, and those that we care about. Therefore, I want to take make my photobook all about those people around me that are extra special to me – whether that be because they are members of my family, close friends, or some people who sit next to me in class. All of the people in my photobook will embody something different about how they each affect my life on a daily basis. This is important to me because I know that my life would not be the same without each of those individuals. Taking the time to recognize what each of these people do for me is the least I can do for them.

The most difficult part of creating my photobook will be limiting who is going to be in it. Can I put anyone in there that has ever impacted my life, or just most recently? I have actually decided to focus on those individuals that have positively affected my life in this year (2016) alone. I have chosen to do this because there are so many already and it is only March – three month into the year and I already have a lot of people who have made an impact on my life. In my photobook, I would like to include both a photo and a brief summary of how those individuals have impacted my life. Due to our privileged nature living in a first-world country and having access to an abundant amount of resources, we – me especially – take for granted those people that are around us. My inspiration for this photobook arose when I asked myself how different my life would be if a certain person, or people, had not been a part of it? I then narrowed that question down to this year alone, and I was honestly surprised at how long of a list I had and how I reacted to not having those individuals in my life. It is at that moment that I realized how under-appreciated the people in my life were by me. Therefore, I decided to base my photobook on them – a testament to how much I appreciate them and all they do, have done, for me. These individuals in my life (friends, family, classmates, etc) deserve to be recognized by me, as they do so much for me and have helped me become the person I am today.

I think that my photobook project will be relatable to a lot of people. I think that I am not the only person out there that is not fully appreciating every single person that affects their life. At the end of the day, we all have people in our life that make life all that much better, but how often do we show our appreciation of them? If they were to disappear tomorrow, how would the relationship between the two been left? For this reason, I believe that we all have our moments of taking the people around us who make life better for granted. As people of habit, we are so often stuck in our routine, that we forget to say thank you and express our appreciation to those around us every once in a while. However, I can also see that there are going to be people out there that deny my hypothesis of everyone being ungrateful of those around them from time to time. I think that some might say that they always express their gratitude and whatnot; but at the end of the year, can someone really say that they never forgot to say thank you or say “I love you” to someone in their life? No, because sometimes we are in a hurry or sometimes we just forget, plain and simple. There are moments in our lives where we all might make the mistake of forgetting to thank and appreciate those around us; and I have chosen to base my photobook on those around me I have forgotten to thank or appreciate in these past few months of the year. Although it won’t make up for the time loss or the time gap in demonstrating my appreciation, it will, however, display to these people that I truly appreciate them and am grateful for their place in my life and how they have impacted it. I hope the book inspires not only them, but any others who see it, to be grateful and appreciative of those around you whenever possible, because gratitude and appreciation are very significant to true happiness.

As am I deciding who to include in my photobook, I realize that I need to have some sort of guidelines to ensure that I am not leaving anyone out. Therefore I have decided that to be in my book, the individuals must each have been involved in my life for two weeks and be able to have a description made up that clearly demonstrates their impact on my life. For example, I would not just be allowed to include someone who opened the door for me, as this person wasn’t in my life for more than twenty seconds and it would also be very difficult to write about this individual and how I appreciate him/her. As well as that, I want to try to include an equal amount of family members and friends in the book so it isn’t just based primarily on one of them. The point of the book is to include a wide range of individuals who have impacted my life in the past three months. I do not want to limit the extent of the impact on my life, because I think that even the littlest of impact can affect me in a great manner. For example, there are a group of people who sit near me in my English class that I had not met before this semester, and these individuals have all impacted my life by just sitting near me, and yet the affect that has had is so large and so important to me. Overall, it is important to me that there are many people portrayed within my photobook and I will do my very best to carry out that intention.

I think that my photobook project will not only benefit me and those who view it by forcing us to remember to appreciate those people around us, but I also believe that it will benefit the individuals that are in my book. I think that when those people see that I appreciate them and that they have impacted my life in a positive manner, they will be overjoyed, appreciative, and thankful for such recognition. As well as that, it may make them want to continue to be the nice and wonderful people they are for society to benefit from – as they should! My goal is for my photobook to inspire everyone in some way, in any way. I want people to either see it and recognize that they need to be more appreciative around them, or to see it and realize how they may be impacting others’ lives without exactly knowing how or why. There is a purpose that arises from my book that may be connected to anyone and that is one of my truest intentions of the book.

With my photobook, I hope to be able to express my appreciation of those people around me, as I feel that I do not do that often enough. I would not be the person I am today, without the people that I have surrounded myself with – voluntarily or involuntarily. This project is about not taking your friends and family for granted, but rather respecting and appreciating them for all that they do. Those who see my book will hopefully be inspired to thank their friends and family more often and to remember not to take them for granted. Although cliché, it’s true: life is short. Before we know it, the people around us are going to be moving on with their lives separate from our own, and then that person may not be around as much, or ever again. I am just hoping that with my photobook, people recognize the importance of gratitude and appreciation towards those people around them.


I had no idea how important lighting was! The quality of lighting in a photo really adds or takes away from the subject. I am really glad we got to learn about studio lights, because I can definitely see myself using them in the future! I really enjoyed taking pictures of everyone in class! It was a lot of fun being the paparazzi!

Response To: An American Journey – In Robert Frank’s Footsteps

I watched the trailer to this documentary, and it was immediately evident to me that Robert Frank was an outsider capturing photos of his new environment. He was, like any other photographer, documenting that of which was surrounding him, and in this case, it was Americans. Those of whom fit the “American ideals” and looked truest to the definition of what it meant to be American. As a street photographer, none of his photos were planned or organized, rather they were true living shots of the moment. This gave his photos a sense of truth and respect in the community, as they were not staged. Not only did he not create his photos because he didn’t need to, but by not doing so, demonstrates the truth of what it means to be an American, not just representation of what people say it means.

I enjoyed looking at his different shots, and overall, I think he represented Americans in the truest of ways, without disregarding the protection of the American stereotypes that mat be more true to themselves than not.