Month: January 2016

National Geographic – Proof of Photographers

Listening to the Video:

Only having the video to listen to gave me the opportunity to understand photographers on a deeper level and understand the purpose they serve in society. The following words are only some that allowed me to further appreciate photographers and their works: powerful, inspiring, time-stopping, historical, misunderstood, underestimated, universal language, weapon, engaging, addiction, emotional, nature of humanity, captivating, magnificent, patience, complexity, not one right way of living, find the passion, and connections. The most influential words for me were “universal language.” This phrase opened my mind to further grasp the fact that photography is a language that all human beings know. Any person can look at a photo and connect himself to it in his own way, as well as understand it from his own perspective. Hearing the video allowed me to comprehend the idea of photography from a more appreciative and open mindset.

Watching the Video:

After establishing a further respect and appreciation for photography, I watched the video and understood the emotional aspect of it as well. Seeing the photos next to the photographers and connecting words like “time-topping,” “misunderstood,” and “magnificent” to them, I grasped the concepts the photographers were presenting. I saw what the photographers were saying and actually understood what they meant because I not only heard them, but I listened.

I now have a genuinely deeper understanding and appreciation of not only photography, but also for photographers!

What About Debbie Sanchez?

Hi! I’m Debbie! Well my real name is Deborah but only my parents call me that when they’re lecturing me about spending too much of their and my own money….so you can just call me Debbie! I am currently in my third year here at CSUSM and I am double majoring in Liberal Studies & Arts and Technology. I started with just Liberal Studies because I really want to be an elementary school teacher – I’ve had this same dream since I was in the third grade. I love kids and I cannot wait to be a part of that environment – adults stress me out! I decided to declare my second major after realizing how much I missed making videos and being creative with different art media. My parents think I’m crazy for adding another year of schooling onto my plate, but this just means I don’t have to be a real adult for an extra year! I really have a passion for making videos and making people laugh, so I hope to incorporate that into my career as an educator. I am super excited to learn how to take better photos since I’ve never really done anything with still photography!